Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our New Publication In Stock

Second Edition of Educating the Women and Nurturing Them
By: Shaikh Muhammad Taqyyu Ad-Deen Al-Hilali

The Shaikh said:

“Verily your prevention of the [Muslim], woman from learning and restricting her to just learning how to read the letters of the Holy Qur’ân, without comprehending its meaning, is indeed far away from the propriety.
It is un-Islâmic, irrational and far away from the pure knowledge, though you have deemed that; Islâm agrees with that and believed in it solely, to the point that you have stated a flimsy weak Hadeeth to prove your ideology, when this Hadeeth has no manifestation in it, according to the scholars of Hadeeth. And this is with regard to its chain of narration”

You may get your copy today at www.alhujjahpublication.org   

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