Sunday, March 4, 2012

Excerpt From Our Book of The Month

Shaikh Abdul- Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baaz said:

The only person who remains behind, not preforming prayer in congregation is the hypocrites, just as Ibn Mas’ud said. Another way to be neglectful in prayer is to pray in a hasty manner praying quickly, preceding the Imam from one part of the prayer to the next, or bowing and prostrating for such a short period of time that calmness is not achieved. This is the state of the one who tries to precede the Imam: he is neither praying alone nor following his Imam, and his forelocks are in the hands of the Shaitan. This hastiness prevents one from having a wakeful heart during prayer, and having a wakeful heart is the fruit and soul of prayer without which the prayer is not accepted. Rather it (i.e., the prayer) is coiled like an old garment, and with it face of the one who prayed without a wakeul heart is struck. It says, “ May Allah ruin you as you have ruined me.” Such has been narrated in authentic Ahadith.
“Explanation of Important Lessons for Every Muslim” Page:125

Happy Reading!

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