Friday, December 14, 2012

The Role of Women in Giving Da’wah

The Role of Women in Giving Da’wah[1]
By the Noble Shaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Baaz

Just like the man it is necessary for the woman to give Da’wah, order the good and forbid the evil. This is because the texts in the Noble Qur’an and the pure Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) indicate towards this and this has also been clarified by the people of knowledge.
Therefore the woman, just like the man should call to Allâh and order the good and forbid the evil in ways and etiquettes prescribed by the Shari’ah. She must not let insults or mockery from the people cause her to become anxious and impatient and thus turn her away from giving Da’wah. Rather she must be tolerant and patent.
Even if she is subject to and sort of mockery, insult or abuse from the people, she must take care to be a virtuous and good example. She must maintain her Hijaab from strange men and stay away from free mixing.

[1] Taken from the book “Words of Advice Regarding Da’wah”

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