Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
pray that everyone is doing well during this cold weather Masha’Allâh! Where
you can find a lot of quite time to just read, Na’am! I have come across
another good read which is excellent for what is going on during this time
where you find most of us are still confused when it comes to certain topics
and really want to learn the truth. Well you can start with this book very
short which you can knock it out in one sitting Insha’allah the book is called “The
Beautiful Advice To The Noble Salafis of the West” By Shaikh ‘Abdul-Aziz
from the book:

many brothers live in a condition of taqleed, calling to it and having
fanaticism over it. You see them having fanaticism to a man to the extent that
they accept all that he says and if you were to present the evidences contrary
to what the man or noble scholar says, they will still continue to follow that
man even if the evidences are presented which are contrary to him (his view)…
learn more you have to Read the book! You might just learn something hopefully
that will be a good thing. Unfortunately we still have those who want to keep
the sisters in the Dark!
says in His Noble Book:
“Verily, Allah
will not change the condition of the people, until they change what’s in
assalaamu'alayku wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear sisters, I am new to this blog, where can I find this book ? Shukran laki.
ReplyDeleteWa'Alaikum Salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakattuh
ReplyDeleteNa'am Uhktee Al-Kareemah! you purchase the book here