Tuesday, October 30, 2012

“Winds and Hurricanes”

By the Noble Shaykh: Muhammad ibn Ahmad Al-feefee
(May Allah preserve him)
Translated by: Abu Nasir Saalik ibn Baldwin
Masjid Tawheed wa Sunnah
Therefore, they did not think about the cloud which overshadowed them, except that it had an apparent form/existence, perhaps caused by the downpour of rain.  Particularly, since they were barren, people who were in need of rain. However, this nebula or cloud was nothing except punishment!  Ibn Katheer has conveyed in his tafseer on the authority of Abdullah ibn Umar, he said: “Wind is eight (i.e. has eight parties): four from it is mercy and four from it is punishment.
So as for the winds of mercy: Then they are the winds that scatter clouds, and those winds precede the rain, the winds that come in succession, and the winds that scatter dust.
As for the winds of punishment: Then they are the barren wind, and the violent winds, both of them are in the mainland; and the storm wind, and the roaring wind with thunder, and they are both in the sea.
So if he willed, Glorified is He, to set it in motion with a merciful movement, then He would make it comfortable, generous and a sign of His impending Mercy, and the pollination for the clouds, just as He uses the man to pollinate the woman for pregnancy.
And if Allah wills, He sets it in motion with movements of punishments, then makes it barren, and it brings a grievous punishment…making it a trial upon whomever He wills from amongst His slaves.  Then He makes it violent & furious, and causing decay & ruin when it passes through out.
(Tafsir Ibn Katheer)  {Volume 3 p. 43 Arabic only version}

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