Question Four: What is the ruling on those individuals who are busy talking, while the Qur’ân is being recited on the tape? Will they be sinning for not listening to the recitation of the Qur’ân or is it the one who turned on the Qur’ân who will be held accountable for that?
Answer Four: The answer to this question differ based on the gathering in which the Qur’ân is being recited from the tape. If that gathering is a gathering of seeking knowledge, remembrance of Allâh and recitation of Qur’ân, then in this case, it is obligatory upon whoever is present in that gathering to be quiet and listen carefully; otherwise he will be sinning against Allâh for not applying the statement of Allâh the Almighty:
Answer Four: The answer to this question differ based on the gathering in which the Qur’ân is being recited from the tape. If that gathering is a gathering of seeking knowledge, remembrance of Allâh and recitation of Qur’ân, then in this case, it is obligatory upon whoever is present in that gathering to be quiet and listen carefully; otherwise he will be sinning against Allâh for not applying the statement of Allâh the Almighty:
“So, when the Qur'ân is recited, listen to it, and be silent that you may receive mercy.” [i.e. during the compulsory congregational prayers when the Imâm [of a mosque] is leading the prayer [except Sûrat Al-Faatihah], and also when he is delivering the Friday-prayer Kutbah]. [Tafsir At-Tabari]
But if the gathering is not a gathering of knowledge or remembrance of Allâh or recitation of Qur’ân [during the compulsory congregational prayers when the Imâm [of a mosque] is leading the prayer], but a normal place, for instance if the individual is in his house doing some kind of work, or studying, or reading; in this situation it is not permissible for him to turn on the Qur’ân tape loud because these individuals who are in the house or the gathering are not obliged to listen because they are not there for that. And the one who turned on the radio will be the one who will be held accountable for that.
That is because he in this case is disturbing the people and obliges them to listen to the Qur’ân in a condition that is not suitable for them.
The closest example to give on this issue is for instance: one of us maybe walking in the street and may hear the grocer or the merchant or some of those who sell the Qur’ân tapes blasting the whole street with their Qur’ân tape in a manner that no matter where you go you still will hear the recitation. So, are all those who are walking in that street obliged to listen to this recitation that is not done at its proper place? No, rather the one who will be held accountable is the one who disturbs the people and forces them to listen to the Qur’ân for the purpose of business or to draw the attention of the people or for some materialistic goal. In this case these people are considered as those who take the Qur’ân as a flute, as has come in some authentic narrations. So consequently, they barter the revelations of Allâh for a small gain from another method different from the methods of the Jews and the Christians those whom Allâh spoke in their regard in this verse:“They have purchased with the Ayât [proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.] of Allâh a little gain, and they hindered men from His Way; evil indeed is that which they used to do.”
Taken from: pages:30-31of “How Must we Interpret The Noble Quran”
by: Shaikh Muhammad Nasr-rid-Deen Al-Albaani
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