Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (رَحِمَهُ الله) said: “Worship [Arabic عِبَادَة
Íbãdah] is obedience to Allâh by carry out what He U has commanded on the tongue of His messengers.
He also said: Íbãdah is a collective term for everything which Allâh loves and is pleased with from among the saying and inward and outward actions.
Ibn al-Qayyim (رَحِمَهُ الله) said: Íbãdah is gratefulness to Him, love of Him and awe of Him
Ibn Katheer (رَحِمَهُ الله) said: Íbãdah in the Arabic language is humbleness [dhillah]. It is something said: “A leveled and smoothed road [mu’abbad] and an uneven road [ghayr mu’abbad] meaning [one has been humbled, lowered, debased. Its usage in the Revelation: an expression of what brings together the perfection of love, fear and hope [in Allâh’s worship]”
Al-Qurtubi (رَحِمَهُ الله) said: The basis of Íbãdah: humbling oneself [tadhallull] and submission [khudû] and the duties of the Sharee’ah are called “Ibãdãt” [ pl. of Íbãdah i.e. acts of worship] because the worshippers stick to them and perform them with submissiveness and out of humility to Allâh the Exalted.
From these statements one will realize that Íbãdah has a very wide meaning and is comprised of many matters. It will also become clear that many people have an incorrect and fragmented understanding of Íbãdah. Most commonly they limit the meaning of Íbãdah to prostrating, bowing, fasting, pilgrimage and other acts of worship. However, this is only one aspect from the many aspects of Íbãdah.
In essence, the word Íbãdah in the Arabic language and in the revelation has three meanings
1. Humbleness, lowliness [ dhillah] and submission [khudû]
2. Obedience [tã’ah] and compliance [inqiyãd].
3. Devotion/sacrifice[tanãssuk] and worship [ta’allhu]
When used in the Qur’an, either one of the above meaning is intended alone or two of them or all three together.
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