Thursday, March 3, 2011

Masjid Rahmah Upcoming Event in July!

After consulting with several mashayikh, amongst them Shaykh Ali Nasir Faqeehi and Shaykh Saleh as-Suhaimee (may Allah preserve and bless them all), Masjid Rahmah Adminstration were encouraged to benefit from our brother Tahir Wyatt.

Based on their advice, Tahir Wyatt will be a speaker at Masjid Rahmah's upcoming educational seminar being held from July 1st-4th insha'Allah.

Some of the important messages that the Shaykhs gave us were:

* Make your goal the pleasure of Allah alone. Never fear the consequences of pleasing Him alone, as success is not measured by numbers.

* Remember that there are prophets who will come on the Day of Judgment with very few followers, and even a prophet without any followers.

* Be diligent in calling your people to Islam. Call them to Islam with wisdom and in a manner which facilitates them accepting what you are trying to teach them.

*An important quality of a Muslim is to want for others what you want for yourself.

* The du'aat from amongst you should give lectures and lessons to whoever is willing to listen to the message and wherever the opportunity arises. There is no evidence for restricting da'wah to a limited number of masjids that say they are salafi.

* The Muslims have to be careful to avoid fighting among themselves. If they are constantly at each others' throats, who will feel comfortable being Muslim and who will want to enter into the deen?

The preceding messages were mentioned by a number of the mashayikh.

- Specifically, Shaykh Ali Nasir (may Allah preserve him) informed us that testing people who are already known to call to the Book and the Sunnah and are not known for calling to innovation is not correct. In fact, questioning them about their position regarding this person or that person is a bid'ah (an innovation) in and of itself.

Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq b. Abdul-Muhsin al-'Abbad (may Allah preserve him) said, "May Allah unite our hearts upon the Book and the Sunnah, and not allow the Shaytan to enter between us."

And Shaykh Saleh as-Suhaimee (may Allah preserve him) said the following:

"Masjid Rahmah in New Jersey, USA, has put forth many blessed efforts in da'wah which we have known for many years. The brothers in charge of it are very active in propagating a blessed, salafi call and Allaah has certainly allowed their Muslim brothers and sisters to benefit from them. I deem them to be virtuous students of knowledge and righteous callers from whom the people should take benefit, for surely, their country is in dire need of the likes of them. As I have said before, I know many of them. From among those whom I know personally is my brother Tahir Wyatt who is currently a PhD candidate in the department of 'Aqeedah at the Islamic University of Madinah. Indeed, I have known him since he was an undergraduate in the College [of Hadeeth] up until this day.Similarly is the case with my brother,Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman al-Omaisan who is also a PhD candidate in the department of 'Aqeedah at the Islamic University of Madinah.Also,my brother Abu Muhammad,whom I first met in America and then subsequently from his frequent visits to the Kingdom for Hajj and 'Umrah.I have known him for his many blessed efforts in calling to Allah and uniting the people on one statement upon the guidance of the salaf.I deem it wajib that they be cooperated with in their educational seminars and helping them to continue, perhaps Allah will allow benefit to be derived from them."
The audio will be made available soon insha'Allah.
Masjid Rahmah

نَا ديّ الكتاب لِلأَخواتِ الدَّعوةِ السَّلفِيَّةِ
Dawah-tu-Salafiyyah Sisters Book Club
New York, NY

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